Aḥaronim | halakhic authorities from c. 1500 CE until the present day |
aliya (pl. aliyot) | the calling of a congregant up to the Torah scroll as a section of it is read aloud |
alot ha-shaḥar | dawn |
ama (pl. amot) | a cubit; a standard halakhic measure of distance equaling c. 45 cm and approximating the distance from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow of the average adult male |
Amida | “The Standing Prayer”; also called the Shemoneh Esrei; the central prayer of each service, in which the worshiper stands as though in God’s presence |
Amora’im | sages of the Gemara (c. 200-500 CE) |
Ashkenaz | a geographical region in the German Rhineland where the traditions that eventually became characteristic of European (Ashkenazic) Jewry coalesced in the Middle Ages |
Ata Ḥonantanu | prayer added to the Amida of Ma’ariv of Motza’ei Shabbat that serves as a form of havdala |
be-di’avad | a level of performance that ex post facto satisfies an obligation in a less-than-ideal manner |
bein ha-shmashot | the time between sunset and the emergence of stars, when it is not clear whether it is night or day |
beit din (pl. batei din) | rabbinical court |
beit knesset | synagogue |
beit midrash (pl. batei midrash) | Torah study hall |
beraita | a tannaitic statement not included in the Mishna |
berakha | a formal blessing recited before eating or performing a mitzva, and on other occasions |
berakha aḥarona | a blessing recited after eating or drinking |
Birkat Ha-mazon | known as the “grace after meals”; the berakha aḥarona consisting of four berakhot recited after a bread-based meal |
Birkat Kohanim | the three verses (Bamidbar 6:23-25) by which the Kohanim channel God’s blessing to the Jewish people |
Birkhot Ha-shaḥar | a series of berakhot recited each morning, praising God for meeting our most basic needs |
Birkhot Ha-Torah | the blessings recited prior to the first Torah study of the morning and upon being called up to the Torah |
Bishul | the melakha of cooking |
Boneh | the melakha of building |
Boneh Yerushalayim | the third berakha of Birkat Ha-mazon, whose theme is the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Temple; also known as “Raḥem” |
Borer | the melakha of separating |
brit (mila) | the ritual circumcision (mila) performed on the eighth day of a Jewish boy’s life, when he enters into Israel’s covenant (brit) with God |
Dash | the melakha of threshing |
davar ha-aved | something will result in a loss if not acted on quickly |
davar she-eino mitkaven | an intentional action on Shabbat or Yom Tov that results (though not inevitably; see psik reisha) in unintended desecration |
derekh akhila | the normal way to eat; the halakha is often lenient when one performs a melakha in this way |
divrei kabbala | commandments ordained by the prophets; an intermediate category between Torah law and rabbinic law |
drasha (pl. derashot) | a communal sermon or homily given on Shabbat or Yom Tov, usually delivered by the rabbi to his congregation and dealing with halakhic and theological matters |
Elokai Neshama | one of the morning blessings, thanking God for restoring the soul to the body after slumber
Eretz Yisrael | the Land of Israel |
erev | “the eve of”; the day before (Shabbat, Yom Tov, etc.) |
eruv ḥatzerot | a physical boundary that can transform a reshut ha-rabim into a reshut ha-yaḥid, allowing people to carry items within that area on Shabbat, as well as to carry items from another domain into that area, and vice versa; alternatively, the communal food that is set aside to join all homes and yards within the area, allowing it to be considered one reshut ha-yaḥid |
eruv tavshilin | a mechanism through which one can prepare food for Shabbat on Yom Tov when the latter coincides with Friday |
eruv teḥumin | a means of establishing one’s teḥum Shabbat before Shabbat begins, so that it includes a desired location that was previously beyond his teḥum; alternatively, the food that can be set aside at the place where one wants to establish his mekom shevita for this purpose |
Ge’onim (sing. Gaon) | the leaders of the Babylonian yeshivot and authoritative interpreters of the Bavli during the latter part of the first millennium CE |
Gemara | the part of the Talmud that interprets and expands upon the Mishna; compiled during the third-sixth centuries CE |
Gozez | the melakha of shearing |
haftara | a selection from the books of Nevi’im (Prophets) that is publicly read in synagogues on Shabbat, festivals, and fast days |
Ha-gafen | the berakha recited over wine and grape juice |
hagala | immersion in boiling water to purge a vessel from substances it has absorbed |
halakha (pl. halakhot) | the collective body of Jewish law; an individual Jewish law |
ḥalla | the mitzva to give a part of a large batch of dough to a Kohen |
Hallel | chapters 113-118 of Tehilim, all of which are thanksgiving psalms, recited on Jewish holidays |
Ha-ma’avir Sheina | the last of the morning blessings, thanking God for removing slumber
Ha-mavdil Bein Kodesh Le-ḥol or Le-kodesh | the main berakha of havdala, commemorating the end of Shabbat or Yom Tov and the distinction between the sacred and the profane (“le-kodesh” is used when Shabbat leads into Yom Tov) |
ḥametz | cereal grain that leavened, forbidden on Pesaḥ |
ha-motzi | the berakha over bread |
Ha-tov Ve-hametiv | “Who is good and bestows good”; a special berakha recited when something very fortunate happens; also refers to the fourth and final berakha of Birkat Ha-mazon |
havdala | the series of berakhot that marks the end of Shabbat and festivals |
ḥazan | the person leading the congregation in prayer |
Ḥazarat Ha-shatz | the ḥazan‘s repetition of the Amida aloud |
ḥinukh | education, training |
Ḥol Ha-mo’ed | the intermediate days of Sukkot and Pesaḥ, on which certain weekday activities are permitted |
Hotza’ah | the melakha of carrying from one domain to another |
Ḥovel | wounding or causing a loss of blood; a tolada of Shoḥet |
ḥutz la-aretz | countries outside of Eretz Yisrael |
Kabbala | the Jewish esoteric and mystical tradition |
Kaddish | a hymn of praises to God whose central theme is the magnification and sanctification of God’s name |
karet | extirpation or excision, the most severe biblical punishment |
karmelit | a domain where carrying on Shabbat is rabbinically forbidden |
kebeitza | an egg’s bulk; a standard halakhic measure of volume or weight, equivalent to 55 cc (according to R. Ḥayim Naeh) |
Kedusha | a responsive prayer of three verses recited in the third berakha of Ḥazarat Ha-shatz, praising God as the ministering angels do and therefore requiring a minyan |
kevod ha-met | dignified treatment of the dead |
kezayit (pl. kezeytim) | an olive’s bulk, a standard halakhic measure of volume or weight |
kiddush | the invocation of the sanctity of a holy day with blessings over a cup of wine |
kli (pl. kelim) | a vessel, container, implement, or utensil |
kli she-melakhto le-isur | an object whose primary function is prohibited, and which thus may only be moved on Shabbat for a permissible activity or to use the space the object is occupying |
Kohen (pl. Kohanim) | a Jewish priest, descendant of Aaron, charged with performing the Temple rites and benefiting from certain privileges |
korban (pl. korbanot) | a sacrificial offering |
korban Pesaḥ | the Paschal offering |
Korbanot | the part of the prayer service in which paragraphs about the Temple korbanot are recited |
leḥem mishneh | the two whole loaves of bread/matza over which the berakha of ha-motzi is recited at Shabbat and Yom Tov meals |
le-khatḥila | ab initio; a level of performance that satisfies an obligation in an ideal manner |
libun | heating a vessel by fire to the point that absorbed taste is incinerated |
lulav | a closed palm frond, one of the four species used during the holiday of Sukkot |
Ma’ariv | evening prayers |
ma’aser | any of several tithes that must be allocated |
ma’aser behema | tithe of animals in one’s flock |
ma’aser sheni | the second tithe, which must be eaten or redeemed for money to be spent on food in Jerusalem |
maftir | the person who reads the haftara, or at least recites the blessing on the haftara; alternatively, the aliya following the seven mandated aliyot that is given to the person who will read the haftara |
makhshirei okhel nefesh | utensils and implements used in the preparation and service of food |
marbeh be-shi’urim | “increase quantities”; the principle that one may increase the quantity of food being cooked on Yom Tov, even for the purpose of having leftovers, because it requires no extra effort |
Matan Torah | the giving of the Torah by God to Moshe at Mount Sinai |
matza | unleavened bread eaten by Jews on Pesaḥ |
Mav’ir | the melakha of lighting a fire |
Mefarek | extracting; a tolada of Dash that involves removing one thing from another thing |
megilla (pl. megillot) | a “scroll”; the five books of Ketuvim that are read on holidays and festivals |
Meḥatekh | the melakha of cutting |
Mekhabeh | the melakha of extinguishing a fire |
mekom shevita | lit. “resting place”; the place where one is spending Shabbat, which acts as the center of one’s teĥum Shabbat |
melakha (pl. melakhot) | productive work of the type prohibited on Shabbat and Yom Tov |
melakha she-eina tzerikha le-gufah | a melakha that is done intentionally, but not for the sake of the object upon which it is performed |
melekhet avoda | melakha that is related to general labor (as opposed to melakha done in food preparation, melekhet okhel nefesh) |
Memaḥek | the melakha of smoothing |
Memare’aḥ | spreading a substance evenly upon an object; a tolada of Memaḥek |
mezuza | the doorpost, or the parchment inscribed with specific paragraphs from the Torah that must be affixed to the doorpost of Jewish homes |
mikveh | a ritual immersion pool |
Minḥa | the afternoon prayers |
Minḥa ketana | 2.5 seasonal hours before sunset |
minyan | a quorum of ten adult Jewish males required for certain religious obligations |
Mishna | the earliest authoritative work of rabbinic literature consisting of legal statements and disputes arranged in 63 tractates and 6 orders, compiled in the third century CE |
mitzva (pl. mitzvot) | commandment, precept |
Moḥek | the melakha of erasing |
molad | the moment of “birth” of the new moon, when it begins waxing once again |
Molid | creating a new entity on Shabbat or Yom Tov |
Motza’ei Shabbat | Saturday night after Shabbat ends and weekday activities are resumed |
muktzeh | the prohibition on Shabbat on moving any item that has no purpose on Shabbat |
muktzeh meḥamat gufo | muktzeh as a result of itself; items that have no use on Shabbat inherently |
muktzeh meḥamat ḥesron kis | muktzeh as a result of monetary loss; items that have no use on Shabbat or Yom Tov because they are valuable and one does not want them to break or become ruined |
Musaf | the additional service recited on Shabbat, Yom Tov, Ḥol Ha-mo’ed, and Rosh Ḥodesh, days on which the korban musaf was offered in Temple times |
nasi (pl. nesi’im) | tribal princes of Israel; a generic term for a leader |
neshama yeteira | lit. “expanded soul”; the special connection between a Jew and God on Shabbat |
netilat yadayim | ritual hand washing |
Nisan | the first month of the Jewish year |
Nishmat | prayer of wondrous praise added on Shabbat and Yom Tov to the end of Pesukei De-zimra |
Ofeh | the melakha of cooking/baking |
okhel nefesh | lit. “food of life”; food prepared on Yom Tov for the needs of that day |
olat re’iya | a burnt offering sacrificed in honor of one of the three pilgrimage festivals |
omer | a biblical measure of grain and an offering brought in the Temple on the second day of Pesaḥ; the count from that day until Shavu’ot is known as the counting of the omer, or Sefirat Ha-omer |
oneg Shabbat | the mitzva to make Shabbat a delight by experiencing pleasure and avoiding discomfort and suffering |
parsha (pl. parshiyot) | a passage from the Torah; the weekly Torah portion that is read at the synagogue each Shabbat |
Pesaḥ | Passover; the Jewish springtime holiday that celebrates Israel’s liberation from Egyptian bondage |
Pesukei De-zimra | the psalms of praise recited prior to Shaḥarit which prepare one for the Amida |
pidyon ha-ben | a mitzva in which a Jewish firstborn son is redeemed from a Kohen with five silver coins |
posek (pl. poskim) | a halakhic decisor or authority |
psik reisha | an intentional action on Shabbat or Yom Tov that inevitably results in unintended desecration |
psik reisha de-lo niḥa lei | an intentional action on Shabbat or Yom Tov resulting in unintended desecration that, while inevitable, is undesired |
psolet | lit. “waste matter”; in the context of the melakha of Borer, the undesired part of a mixture |
Raḥem | “Have compassion”; the third berakha of Birkat Ha-mazon, also known as Boneh Yerushalayim |
reshut | domain, for the purposes of the laws of Hotza’ah on Shabbat and Yom Tov |
reshut ha-rabim | public domain |
reshut ha-yaḥid | private domain |
Responsa | a genre of rabbinic literature that consists of rabbinic responses to halakhic queries |
Retzei (Ve-haḥalitzenu) | the passage that is inserted into Birkat Ha-mazon on Shabbat during the third berakha |
revi’it | a liquid measure equal to a quarter of a log, calculated by most to be c. 75 ml |
Rishonim | Jewish sages and halakhic authorities from the medieval era (roughly 1000-1500 CE) |
Rosh Ḥodesh | the new moon; the one- or two-day minor holiday that marks the beginning of each Hebrew month |
se’ah | a unit of volume; 40 se’ah is equivalent to one ama by one ama by three amot |
se’uda shlishit | the obligatory third Shabbat meal |
se’udat mitzva | a festive meal celebrating the fulfillment of a mitzva |
Seder | the banquet on the first night of Pesaḥ that includes several special recitations, customs, and mitzvot |
Sefirat Ha-omer | the mitzva of counting the days from the second day of Pesaḥ until Shavu’ot |
Seḥita | squeezing or wringing; a tolada of Dash |
semikha | the authority to adjudicate Torah law, conferred in an unbroken chain from Moshe; nowadays, in the absence of the original semikha, it refers to rabbinical ordination generally |
Shabbatot | plural of Shabbat |
Shaḥarit | the morning prayers |
shalmei ḥagiga | peace offerings sacrificed at each of the three pilgrimage festivals |
shalmei simḥa | peace offerings sacrificed for the purpose of increasing festival joy |
She-heḥeyanu | “Who has given us life”; a berakha recited at specific significant occasions |
Shekhina | the Divine Presence in this world |
Shema | the three Torah paragraphs (or the first of the three paragraphs) whose recitation is a centerpiece of the morning and evening prayers; its opening verse is the Jewish credo: “Hear, O Israel: the Lord is our God, the Lord is one” |
Sheva Berakhot | the seven blessings recited at a wedding ceremony and at the conclusion of a meal held in honor of the bride and groom during their first week of marriage |
shevita | cessation of work; the most basic expression of the nature of Shabbat |
shi’ur | a standard halakhic measurement for weight, distance, or volume |
shinui | performing a melakha on Shabbat or Yom Tov in an irregular manner |
shiva | the weeklong mourning period for close relatives, during which visitors bring solace and comfort to the homebound mourners |
shki’a | shorthand for shki’at ha-ḥama |
shki’at ha-ḥama | sunset, when Shabbat and Jewish holidays begin |
shofar | a musical instrument made of a horn, traditionally that of a ram, blown as part of the Rosh Ha-shana ritual as well as other rituals |
shvut | rabbinic prohibition on Shabbat or Yom Tov |
shvut di-shvut | double rabbinic prohibition, which may be transgressed in certain circumstances |
siddur | a Jewish prayer book |
simḥa | joy, a mitzva to experience on Yom Tov and possibly on Shabbat as well; compare to oneg |
sukka (pl. sukkot) | a temporary hut constructed for use during the weeklong festival of Sukkot |
Taḥanun | “Supplication”; the heartbreaking prayers recited after the Amida of Shaḥarit and Minḥa, omitted on festive occasions |
talit | the four-cornered prayer shawl, fringed by tzitzit, traditionally worn by Jewish men during prayer |
talit katan | a four-cornered garment, fringed by tzitzit, traditionally worn by Jewish males under (and, among some groups, over) their clothing |
Tanna (pl. Tanna’im) | a rabbinic authority in Eretz Yisrael during the early centuries of the Common Era |
tefaḥ (pl. tefaḥim) | a handbreadth; a halakhic measurement equal to c. 8 cm |
tefilin | phylacteries; black leather boxes and straps containing parchment scrolls, worn during weekday morning prayers |
teḥum (Shabbat) | boundary surrounding one’s mekom shevita, beyond which one may not travel on Shabbat |
teruma (pl. terumot) | a tithe of c. 2% of produce, given to Kohanim |
Toḥen | the melakha of grinding or pulverizing, such as the grinding of wheat to make flour |
tolada (pl. toladot) | a derivative of the major melakhot on Shabbat, like juicing (Soḥet) is a derivative of Dash (threshing) |
tosefet | the time added before and/or after Shabbat or Yom Tov to fulfill the mitzva of extending the holy days into the week |
tzeit | shorthand for tzeit ha-kokhavim |
tzeit ha-kokhavim | the appearance of three distinct stars, marking nightfall for various halakhic purposes |
tzitzit | the specially tied fringes worn on the corners of four-cornered garments; often used interchangeably with the term “talit katan” |
uvdin de-ḥol | weekday activities, generally prohibited on Shabbat and Yom Tov |
Ya’aleh Ve-yavo | the paragraph inserted into the Amida and Birkat Ha-mazon of festivals on which Musaf is recited |
yad soledet bo | hot enough to cause the hand to recoil, somewhere between 45ºC and 71ºC |
yeshiva (pl. yeshivot) | a school that is dedicated to Torah study; its students often live in dormitories |
Yom Kippur | the “Day of Atonement”; the fast day that is considered the holiest day of the Jewish year |
Yom Tov | the festivals of biblical origin during which melakha is prohibited |
Yom Tov Sheni Shel Galuyot | the extra day of Yom Tov observed in the Diaspora |