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Peninei Halakha > Pesah > 11 – Kashering the Kitchen for Pesaḥ > 09. Kelim and Machines Used for Kneading and Mixing

09. Kelim and Machines Used for Kneading and Mixing

Kelim used for kneading – the surface on which the kneading takes place, the rolling pins, and the parts of mixing and kneading machines that come into direct contact with dough – must be kashered by means of hagala. Even though the dough is cold, since the acidity of the ḥametz in the dough can intensify the absorption of the taste of ḥametz, they must be kashered via hagala (Ri, Raavyah, Rosh, SA 451:17). Some are more stringent, maintaining that hagala is ineffective for such kelim (Rashi, Rabbeinu Tam), because it is hard to clean off the dough that was absorbed in crevices. However, they can be kashered by means of light libun. If they have no crevices, they can by kashered via hagala (Rema 451:16-17; MB 94).[8]

Mixers have holes whose purpose is to ventilate the motor, so that it does not overheat. Flour and pieces of dough splatter into these holes, and there is concern that, when used with Pesaḥ foods, pieces of ḥametz will fall into the food. Since it is hard to clean, it is better not to kasher it, but when there is great need for a mixer, one must open the motor compartment and clean it thoroughly.

[8]. The Talmud (Pesaḥim 30b) explains that kelim used with ḥametz cold are kashered by means of hadaḥa (rinsing), but kelim that were used with dough, whose acidity is harsh, cannot be used on Pesaḥ. According to most Rishonim, the meaning is that hadaḥa is not sufficient to kasher kelim used with ḥametz, but hagala is (Arukh, Ri, Raavyah, Rabbeinu Yeruḥam, and Tur. Others said that the Talmud refers to earthenware kelim, for which hagala, too, is ineffective; so say Rif, Ritz Gi’at, and Rambam as interpreted by Magid Mishneh. It stands to reason that these Rishonim would agree that kelim used for kneading ḥametz that are made of other materials can be kashered by means of hagala). Some are stringent, maintaining that even hagala is ineffective for these kelim (Rashi, Rabbeinu Tam, Rabbeinu Shimshon of Sens). Therefore, Rema wrote (451:16-17) that they are kashered by means of light libun. Many explained that hagala is ineffective for bowls used for dough because they have crevices that cannot be cleaned properly (Smak, Baḥ, Gra). Some are more stringent, maintaining that hagala is ineffective because the acidity of the ḥametz is absorbed intensely in the kli, so this would apply even to kneading kelim that have no crevices (MA). In practice, according to most Aḥaronim, if the kelim have no crevices, even those who adopt the stricter interpretation of the Talmud would agree that the kelim can be kashered by means of hagala (MB 451:94).

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Translated By:
Series Editor: Rabbi Elli Fischer

The Laws of Shabbat (1+2) - Yocheved Cohen
The Laws of Prayer - Atira Ote
The Laws of Women’s Prayer - Atira Ote
The Laws of Pesach - Joshua Wertheimer
The Laws of Zemanim - Moshe Lichtman

Editor: Nechama Unterman